Thank you for your interest in getting involved with The ABLE Foundation!
Everything we do to serve individuals and families throughout Beaufort County would truly not be possible without the support of our incredible volunteers.
For those who may wish to volunteer on a one-time basis such as individuals, church groups, school clubs, civic organizations and business groups, fill out our volunteer form to get the application process started.
Check out the information below to learn more about how you can get involved!
Volunteer Application
We’re excited for the opportunity to support our community together! Click the button below to start the volunteer application process.

ABLE Foundation Volunteer Opportunities
“Volunteers do not necessarily have the time; They have the HEART.” – Elizabeth Andrew
Grant Proposal Assistance
Assist in the development of grant proposal responses (two proposals per year, approximately 20 hours per year).
Administrative Support
Administrative help to provide thank you letters and correspondence with other support organizations (approximately 1-2 hours per month).
Project Manager
Work with support organizations to coordinate activities for programs such as Heritage Outreach (approximately 1-2 hours per month).
ABLE Board Member
Offer program support, local advocacy, fundraising, monthly meetings, and other related activities (approximately 2 hours per month).
Volunteer Testimonials
What do our volunteers say about working with us?
“One young man was 6 years old when he came to Camp Treasure Chest. He was nonverbal. He would knock things over, jump up and down, and make noises. Those noises are now tangible words. Over the years we have learned to communicate with him and understand him. He is now entering high school. He is now able to participate with others. This camper continues to attend Camp Treasure Chest every year, and every year I can see growth in him. The camp has provided the opportunity for him to meet others, socialize, learn skills that he was lacking, and receive services that would not have been available to him during the summer (speech, music, and art therapies).”
Martha Griffin
Camp Counselor
“I really see a difference in the campers from one year to the next. Speech therapy is great for our campers. When one young girl first attended camp, I could not understand her very well because her words were not clear, but speech therapy has made a big improvement with her and other campers. I just love seeing their faces and expressions when we go on outings like the Mighty 8th Museum. Camp Treasure Chest has been a great and wonderful experience for me and the campers who attend each summer.”
Angela Jenkins
Camp Counselor