
What Are People Experiencing?

The ABLE Foundation is providing support and resources for children and adults living within Beaufort County that have been medically diagnosed with severe intellectual and developmental-delayed disabilities and special needs.

“One young man was 6 years old when he came to Camp Treasure Chest. He was nonverbal. He would knock things over, jump up and down, and make noises. Those noises are now tangible words. Over the years we have learned to communicate with him and understand him. He is now entering high school. He is now able to participate with others. This camper continues to attend Camp Treasure Chest every year, and every year I can see growth in him. The camp has provided the opportunity for him to meet others, socialize, learn skills that he was lacking, and receive services that would not have been available to him during the summer (speech, music, and art therapies).”

Martha Griffin

Camp Counselor

“I want to first start by saying ‘Thank God for Camp Treasure Chest.’ My son loved it!! He enjoyed all the activities and the trips they took. He talked about what he had learned every day. The only thing that made him sad was when the camp was over. Everything was wonderful. Thank you for everything you all have done.”

Deonna Clark

“When we first received news that our baby would be born with Down Syndrome, we were scared and unsure of everything. This was so new to us. We were clueless. Jenny from Bright Beginnings came in early (when the baby was a few weeks old) and quickly got a plan into action as the baby was in dire need. She educates and guides us. Without her, I am not sure where we would be or where our child would be. This has been an amazing program to help ease our worries and we are so thankful for it.”

Cameron and John Staiger

“My son Jason attended Camp Treasure Chest this past summer. I wish the camp was longer. Jason really enjoys the different activities and the interactions with the other students as well as the camp leaders. The camp is really helpful during the summer weeks because they help Jason in staying active with reading and writing. The trips are always so educational. Thanks Camp Treasure Chest for a very educational experience.”

Jacquelin Scott

I really see a difference in the campers from one year to the next. Speech therapy is great for our campers. When one young girl first attended camp, I could not understand her very well because her words were not clear, but speech therapy has made a big improvement with her and other campers. I just love seeing their faces and expressions when we go on outings like the Mighty 8th Museum. Camp Treasure Chest has been a great and wonderful experience for me and the campers who attend each summer.

Angela Jenkins

Camp Counselor

“I want to thank Beaufort County Bright Beginnings for the bag of goodies we received. Jayden enjoys his playdough and book. He plays with it daily at home. I also enjoy the parent book that was given. It has several great tips to help me. Jayden also likes to carry his bag around with his toys when at home.”

Mrs. Grant

“I want you to know how much we appreciate the camp sessions. The camp has been a nice highlight to my son’s summer. The camp experience allowed him many opportunities to have in-house sessions and to take trips into the community. My prayers are that the camp will continue to provide a nice safe program for years to come.”
Tracy Small

“The shape sorter has been a great toy to work on all different skills [in Bright Begininings] such as language, fine motor, and problem solving. She loves to practice putting items in and out, and since it’s simple it keeps her on task and she wants to keep working to master.”

Jenn Tharsher

“As a mother of a young adult with severe developmental delays, I find true joy and happiness in the moments that make him happy. Camp Treasure Chest is the only one of its kind to give us the opportunity to attend because of my son’s need for intense supervision. Words cannot explain how truly amazing this experience was and how it will stick with my son and myself for a lifetime.”

Consuelo Guzman

“Carly, thank you for the book bag which contained the puzzle and book. My kids loved them and have been practicing the ABC’s Numbers and Colors.”

Daisy Solis

“My child started attending Camp Treasure Chest (CTC) at the age of 6. He enjoys the camp to see old friends and to meet new ones. He very much enjoys the trips to different places and the art projects. The camp has helped his social development. Without Camp Treasure Chest he would not have been able to attend a summer camp. I am thankful for CTC for what they have done and will do for my child and others like him.”

Tasha Johnson

“It’s been helpful, we have loved the book bag to practice picking up toys.”

Kerline Cesar

“I enjoyed learning about the history of sweetgrass. The presentation of the baskets were displayed beautifully, and our individuals were able to make beautiful coasters/ keychains. The staff at the Morris Heritage Center and the sweetgrass instructors were very easy to work with and very accommodating and patient with our individuals. Our individuals expressed what a wonderful time they had and stated that they are looking forward to returning for another workshop soon!”


“My name is Lauren Kelley and I am a teacher at Sea Pines Montessori Academy. I have taught in a Primary classroom (ages 3 to 6) for 24 years. I want to share with you how important early intervention is for our children. Throughout the years, I have seen how the therapists from Bright Beginnings work with the children in my class.  Each child has made such progress academically as well as socially and emotionally.  The therapy has had such a positive impact on each child’s development.”

Lauren Kelley

“Our trip to the South Carolina Aquarium in Charleston was an absolute hit. The clients arrived excited and eager to see all the aquarium had to offer. They enjoyed learning about different species of fish and the vast ecosystems that are native to South Carolina. The clients also had the opportunity to have a hands-on experience with different types of turtles. Overall, the clients enjoyed the outing and expressed a desire to go again.”


Staff Member

“[The aquarium trip] was awesome, the animals could have been bigger, they could have had more activities. My favorite part was seeing the sting rays.”


“This was my first time there and the first aquarium. It was cool seeing all the fish. My favorite part was walking outside where the waterfall was”.


“[The aquarium trip] was awesome, and it was nice. I liked all the different fishes, there was so much to see. This was my first time going there and I’m so glad I got to go. I really enjoyed myself.”


“The trip was a great experience for both the client and staff. The clients really enjoyed seeing all the different animals and learning some facts about them. The biggest hit was the different fish and sharks in the big tank. They got to pet a turtle that was rescued in the street. The clients really enjoyed the gift shop and being able to get a souvenir to take back with them. This would definitely be a trip for the books. Their smiles told it all and that’s the best feeling as a staff to see.”


Staff Member